Cycle and Scooter Policy

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Date Approved -
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


Waycroft Multi Academy Trust schools are able to offer storage for cycle and scooters.

To use the storage safely the following policy will need to be followed.

  • All children may use the storage if following our policy
  • Pupils’ safety whilst cycling or scooting to and from school is the responsibility of parents and carers.
  • A cycle helmet which meets current safety regulations must be worn by children riding bikes and scooters to and from school.
  • If children are using their bikes or scooters in school as part of free range play, they will also need to wear their helmet.
  • Children will be encouraged to wear fluorescent or bright coats or
  • Cycles and scooters must not be ridden on the school premises unless as part of free range play; children must dismount and push their cycles and scooters to and from the shelters to the school boundary gates.
  • School staff will ask children to dismount their bikes and scooters if they are using them in the car park before and after school.
  • If children ride their bikes and scooters in the car park, the privilege will be
  • Parents may provide a locking mechanism which children can use to secure their cycles and scooters. It is the child’s responsibility to keep any key safe.
  • Please make sure bikes and scooters are taken home daily as school has no liability for cycles or scooters stolen or damaged whilst on school property.
  • Children are reminded to collect their bikes and scooters prior to attending any clubs and taken with them, to ensure children can be handed over to parents via the school office safely.
  • School staff will intervene if they observe children not behaving sensibly on the roads or pavements near the school during their journeys to and from school.

Contact Us

Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
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Waycroft Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590