Behaviour Policy

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Date Approved - September 2023
Approved By - Board of Trustees
Review Frequency - Annually
Date of Next Review - September 2024
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change



Our aim is to establish the highest standards of behaviour possible in a calm and encouraging environment in which positive behaviours and attitudes for successful learning and mutual respect take place. This will be achieved by everyone working together collaboratively and constructively with children to ensure they understand the expectations we have in terms of behaviour and conduct. This is based on a commitment to spend time ensuring children are given clear boundaries, encouraged to reflect on and learn about how their behaviour affects others and to support them in developing empathy with those around them. This will be fostered within a calm and purposeful environment in which the development of respectful relationships is seen as a priority.

Our Multi Academy Trust Values

The Waycroft MAT has three core values, which should be evident in every lesson, corridor and playground every day. Our aim is ‘to enable our pupils to be independent, confident members of the community who are equipped with skills to be lifelong learners to engage with their dreams and aspirations’.

Ready Respectful Resilient

AIMS of the policy are to:

  • Create a safe, happy and caring learning environment where children realise their full potential.
  • Teach the importance of courtesy, good manners, self-discipline and respect for others.
  • Emphasise the positive
  • Set high expectations of positive behaviour.
  • Teach respect for religious and moral values with an understanding of all races, religions, and ways of life.
  • Encourage children to keep school rules and cooperate with all adults and respect their decisions.
  • Help children develop and maintain a sense of identity, achievement, and self-worth.
  • Help children develop a greater sense of personal responsibility.
  • To develop in all the ability to listen to others; cooperate and to appreciate other ways of thinking and behaving.


  • Being ‘fair’ is not about everyone getting the same (equality) but about everyone getting what they need (equity).
  • Behaviour is a form of communication.
  • We take a non-judgemental, curious and empathic attitude towards behaviour.
  • We put relationships first.
  • We maintain clear boundaries and expectations around Changing how we respond to behaviour does not mean having no expectations, routines or structure.
  • Not all behaviours are a matter of ‘choice’ and not all factors linked to the behaviour of children and young people are within their control.
  • Encouraging parental engagement and involvement is absolutely crucial when addressing and planning support for children and young peoples’ SEMH needs.
  • A whole education setting approach to achieve authentic inclusion and wholehearted learning.
  • Whenever IT is used or discussed in school it must be done so in accordance with the MATs ‘E- safety’ policy.
  • Parents will always be informed about serious poor behaviour involving their Every effort will be made to ensure the child sees the home and school working together.

Generally, behaviour at Waycroft Multi Academy Trust schools is very good. Our success has been based on praising and rewarding children’s efforts and a consistent approach by all adults. We have a number of ways of praising children for behaving well and working hard.

Equal Opportunities

Incidents of racism, sexism, harassment, victimisation, sexualised behaviour and homophobia are dealt with very severely. The parents/carers of the victim(s) and the perpetrator(s) are contacted immediately. All incidents are logged and reported to the Local Academy Councillors and Trustees.

Counselling will be available, if required, for victims or perpetrators.


All children have the right to learn and work in an environment where they feel safe and that is free from harassment and bullying. As with racism, incidents where bullying is proven are dealt with very seriously. The parents/carers of the victim(s) and the perpetrator(s) are contacted immediately (for further details please refer to the MATs anti-bullying policy).


We have agreed systems which you would expect to see in all academies.

  • Children will be greeted by the class teacher on entry to the classroom in the
  • When moving from the classroom the children will walk in quiet, single file lead by an adult until they reach their destination.
  • Gaining attention outside, a whistle will be blown and children are to stop, stand still, look at the adult and await instruction.

Praise and Reward

We believe it is very important to frequently acknowledge and celebrate pupil achievement in all aspects of school life; therefore, rewards are an extremely important part of the individual academy culture. The most effective and positive strategy for dealing with behaviour is to ‘catch children being good’ and ‘rewarding effort’.


On the rare occasions where we have to address behaviours that fall below our expectations, each academy has in place a set of consequences. Consequences are applied consistently and recorded in line with each academies guidelines. (Appendix 1)

A consistent application of expectation will further improve the already calm atmosphere. The vast majority of children have found the values to be a positive experience, allowing them to be focused on their learning in the classroom and happy in the playground. Parent/carer support is crucial to the successful implementation of this policy

Physical restraint (Positive Handling)

In some circumstances, staff may use reasonable force to restrain a pupil to prevent them:

  • Causing disorder
  • Hurting themselves or others
  • Damaging property

Incidents of physical restraint must always be used as a last resort, be done by trained adults and be applied using the minimum amount of force for the minimum amount of time possible. It must be used in a way that maintains the safety and dignity of all concerned and should never be used as a form of punishment. Incidents where physical restraint is necessary, it must be recorded in the bound and numbered book and reported to parents.

Appendix 1

Strategy for behaviour management

Recognising the positives

We always promote our school values and acknowledge positive effort and successful application to any learning by effort, attitude, behaviour or outcome through the following:

  • Positive praise will be used consistently to reinforce our values
  • Certificates in our Celebration Assemblies. Teachers will select two children from each class to receive a certificate in assembly each Friday (Y1-Y6). NB – Year R have ‘Star of the week’ instead of coming to celebration assembly.
  • Visits to a member of SLT to show good work or attitude to learning
  • These can be given for good effort, progress or achievement in children’s work. They should not be given for behavioural reasons. Stickers should be stuck in books or on a child’s jumper
  • House point-a house point can be given to a pupil who is showing one of our school values or for demonstrating excellent behaviour or manners. Only one house point can be awarded at one time. House point certificates are given out in class
  • Visitors to our school will be given the opportunity to nominate any child/ren who they notice to really be showing excellent use of one of our school values-these will be handed out in assembly
  • Headteacher certificates termly
  • Every day, each class will have a secret learner linked to one of our values
  • Sharing photos of learning and excellent behaviours via social media sites

Whole school strategies

We have consistent whole school strategies for ensuring smooth transitions and movements around the school, which reinforce positive behaviours.

Personal support plans

Children who have difficulty with meeting the behaviour expectations despite the conscientious, consistent and caring application of this behaviour policy, will need a “Pastoral Support Plan (PSP)”. This will be written by the SENCo, class teacher, other relevant adults, parents/carers and child. A personal support plan sets clear expectations around behaviour and support; it’s a commitment from the school that focuses on support, wellbeing and developing a child’s skills. They can also help to make sure everyone follows the same approach with a focus on success. It can help to keep a child engaged with school and connected to the school community. A PSP may supersede other rewards and sanctions within this policy, according to a child’s needs.

Responses to Behaviour

All staff should consistently use the following approach when dealing with unwanted behaviours, throughout all times of the school day. The following may not apply to individual children, if they have a PSP (Personal Support Plan). Staff should always model the same school values that they expect from the children. Class behaviour sheets are in all classes so that all behaviour is recorded each day.

Behaviour Response
Child is well behaved but not focused on their work (day-dreaming, looking around, wasting time chatting etc) i.e. non-disruptive.

Check-in with individual if a non-verbal warning has not changed behaviour or a child is acting ‘out of character’.

Reminder, either of the ‘Values’ or by praising other children for doing the right thing or ‘a look’ etc.

“Name, you need to … desired behaviour”.

“Name, are you OK?”


Rudeness to staff, throwing small equipment, continual talking, refusal to follow instructions etc

“I have noticed that…unwanted behaviour

“This is a warning that you need to…desired behaviour” “If you don’t…desired behaviour”

“Yesterday/Last week I remember that you…positive behaviour recalled. That’s the name that we want to see all the time.

Restorative Conversation

Disruption to learning. Rudeness to staff, swearing heard by other children, throwing equipment, continual talking, refusal to follow instructions.

At lunchtimes this may include children being rough with each other i.e. overly physical.

Conversation to be held between member of staff who was involved or who witnessed the activity. Phase leader to be called for if needed to join in the restorative conversation if it is at a significant level or repetitive.

Name, please come and talk to me. I gave you a warning but you have continued to       . What can we do to resolve this? Is something wrong?…”

“If you choose to continue to ———————– I will limit your playtime and will contact home.”

(Conversation to ideally take place outside the classroom or at least away from other children. On the playground, the child should be taken to a quieter and less crowded space; often the side of the playground).

To be recorded on CPOMs if relevant for a specific child or if also a possible safeguarding concern.

Limited Playtime/Time out in another classroom to complete work

Hurting another child, swearing directly at an adult, spitting, refusal to follow adult instruction, throwing equipment, leaving the classroom, disrupting others’ learning.

Parent informed by class teacher

“Because you have                                         , I am limiting your playtime/sending you to another class to complete your work (this might be immediate or the following break)”

Examples of activities that it may be appropriate for children to do if play is limited: write an apology note/letter, draw a reflective picture, sit and reflect on behaviour, tidy something up, set something up for the next lesson etc. Parallel teachers support each other in being present with the child for this time, to keep the child safe and provide support to improve behaviour moving forward.

‘Reflection Sheet’ (see appendix) must be completed.

To be communicated with parent/guardian and recorded on CPOMs

  by the member of staff, according to the situation. This might also depend on whether the behaviour is becoming repetitive and if so,

further triggers need to be explored and provision tweaked, with the support of SENCO/phase leader/outside agencies.

Sent to Phase Leader

Repetitive behaviours that are not changing in response to sanctions above over the course of a week or term.

Parent informed by Phase leader

Meeting to be held with the pupil to identify any issues they are having. Support offered and expectations made clear. If the teacher IS the phase leader, child to be sent to another phase leader.

Recorded on CPOMS

Monitoring of any further behaviours

Internal suspension

Continuation of playtimes being limited. Deliberate violence towards a child, incidents of discrimination, upturning furniture, throwing equipment at others.

Sent to Assistant Headteacher (AH) or Headteacher (HT)

Possible sanctions:

Isolated from class for AM/PM or both

Exclusion from the playground and/or dinner hall Phone call home

Meeting with parents/carers

Recorded on CPOMs

External Fixed term suspension Physical violence towards staff, leaving the school grounds, climbing on school property.

Anything within internal suspension section which is repeated or more extreme.

Sent to the Headteacher

The headteacher will then decide possible sanction: Fixed term suspension

Lunchtime suspension Meeting with parents/ carers

Recorded on CPOMs Return to School Meeting

Either the HT or AH will meet with the child and parents/carers. The purpose of the meeting is to set up the child for a positive and supported return to school. SENCO is involved in this meeting for any SEN children.

Permanent Exclusion Our school will do everything possible to avoid permanently excluding a pupil.

A permanent exclusion of a pupil would only take place if a serious breach or persistent breaches of our school’s expected behaviour has taken place. All contributing factors to a child’s behaviours and needs would be taken into account before making the decision to permanently exclude.

Contact Us

Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
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Waycroft Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590