Accessibility Plan

This policy is presented in HTML to support accessibility needs and to work across multiple platforms. A full PDF copy is also available below.
Date Approved - May 2023
Approved By - Board of Trustees
Review Frequency - Three years
Date of Next Review - May 2026
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


Accessibility Plan [2023 – 2025]

Introductory statement

This Accessibility Plan (Plan) has been drawn up in consultation with staff, parents and pupils of the Academy and covers the period from May 2023 to July 2025. The plan is available in large print or other accessible format if required.

The plan takes account of the Academy’s public sector equality duty set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.

We are committed to providing an environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their educational, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are further committed to challenging attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.


The Academy’s layout and facilities

The Academy is committed to making reasonable adjustments to allow disabled pupils to access educational provision at the Academy.

Waycroft Academy is a 2 form entry Primary School and Nursery. The site is made up of 1 main building on 2 levels and has an accessible lift to the upper floor. The site also includes a nursery block including the library and a 2-year-old provision.

The halls are used in the evenings for lettings but this is never when children are still on site.

We plan, over time, to increase the accessibility of provision for all pupils, staff and visitors to the Academy in the following areas:

  • increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the Academy curriculum
  • improve the physical environment of the Academy to increase access to education by disabled pupils
  • improve the delivery of information to pupils, staff, parents and visitors with disabilities

Attached are three action plans relating to the above. These will be reviewed as and when necessary. It is acknowledged that there will be need for on-going awareness training for all staff in the matter of disability discrimination and the potential need to inform attitudes on this matter.

The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following policies, strategies and documents:

  • Academy prospectus
  • disability equality scheme
  • equal opportunities policies
  • health and safety policy
  • special educational needs policy

The Plan will be monitored through the Trust Board meetings. There will be a full review of the Plan in the summer term of each year and a new Plan will be produced to cover the next three years for the autumn term.

Welcoming and preparing for disabled pupils

Where it is practicable to make reasonable adjustments to enable a prospective pupil to take up a place at the Academy and to satisfy the current admissions criteria, the Academy is committed to providing those reasonable adjustments.

In order to meet the needs of disabled pupils, the Academy requires full information. The Academy will ask prospective pupils to disclose whether they have received any learning support, have had an educational psychologist’s report or have any disability or other condition of which the Academy should be aware. Where a pupil has a Education and Health Care plan (EHCP) the Academy will work with the Local Authority (LA) who makes and maintains the EHCP to ensure that the identified provision is delivered in an appropriate manner.

In assessing the pupil or prospective pupil, the Academy may need to take advice and require assessments as appropriate. The Academy will be sensitive to any issues of confidentiality.

Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the Academy curriculum

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term Ensure all staff are aware of disabled children’s curriculum access needs annually and when needed. Continue to improve shared information system. Learning Passports for all children with SEND to be updated by staff when new information is received and three times yearly.

Pupils with more complex needs to also have support plans (EHCP format but non- statutory and which can be revised at any time).

All staff working with the child are aware of curriculum access needs and read and update new information on Learning Passports regarding diagnosis, barriers to learning, professionals involved, strategy advice and pupil and parental views when received.

Learning Passports to be living documents which are always ready to share, especially at three yearly parent meetings and at times of transition to new class or school.

September 2023 onwards  
Medium term Ensure all staff can confidently adapt the classroom structure to suit the needs of children with a visual impairment (glasses wearers) External training

Implement strategies to improve access for all

All children can confidently and easily access the resources required to support their learning. Sept 2023 onwards  
Long term Ensure staff plan to meet the needs of all children for residential trips plenty of time in advance so activities can be adapted and staffing adjusted accordingly Meet with parents in advance of the trip

Meet with staff to inform risk assessment in advance of the trip

Risk assessments inform practice on the trip

Clear roles and responsibilities defined within the risk assessment

Sept 2023 onwards  

Improving the physical environment of the school to increase access to education by disabled pupils

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term Ensure all members of the community can access the school building. Hearing loop available and visible in reception area. All members of the school community and new visitors will be able to access the school grounds easily, will know where the reception area is and will be able to communicate with staff in the reception area. September 2023 onwards  
Medium term Provide a range of play equipment for disabled pupils to use during break and lunch times. Research a range of equipment available and consult pupils. Range of activities available during unstructured times. As needed depending on children starting at the school from Sept 23 onwards  
Long term Ensure Forest School area is accessible for all children Keep the small hard standing area clear for accessibility All children can access their allocation of Forest Schools September 2023 onwards  
  and/or have alternative equipment learning alongside their peers to consider
  arrangements in place for all

children to access this learning together.

Add forest schools to the

child’s risk assessment as

required to meet SEMH or

  while the area

is being developed

    physical needs    

Improving the delivery of information to disabled pupils

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term Ensure all members of the community know about Findability and how to access information through this service as well as the new SEND and You service in Bristol Information in Newsletter

Cards and fliers to be distributed.

SENCo and family support worker to signpost.

All members of the school community will know how to access information through Findability. September 2023 ongoing  
Medium Term Staff teaching will feel confident about ways of improving access to written information for pupils with SEND. Develop a bank of resources to support staff in matching appropriately the level of written information for pupils with SEND.

Ensure that all staff know how to access the MAT speech and language therapist and the Bristol Autism Service for advice about communication strategies.

All children with SEND will be observed in class as having access to all learning opportunities with appropriate adaptation of written language for their needs ensuring appropriate levels of challenge and support. September 2023 ongoing  
Long term Develop use of ICT to maximise the opportunities to share school information with all parents/carers. Ensure we are aware how to access services so that information can be translated or presented in a different way (such as in Braille) All school information important to parents/carers/pupils has maximum exposure through range of media. Parents/carers with disabilities can access information easily from home. September 2023 ongoing.  

Contact Us

Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
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Waycroft Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590