Waycroft Primary Academy pupils discover the magic of reading

Pupils from Waycroft Primary Academy recently embarked on an exciting adventure to the local library, immersing themselves in the world of books, stories and the joy of reading.

During their visit, pupils explored a variety of books, delving into new and captivating literary worlds.

They engaged in shared reading activities with adults, read aloud to each other, and encouraged their peers to discover different genres and styles of writing.

The highlight of the visit was a vibrant story-time session led by the librarian, who delighted the children with a tale of bravery.

A spokesperson from Waycroft Primary Academy said: “It was a magical experience that further sparked their love for reading and learning.”


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Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
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Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590