
How to apply for a nursery place at Waycroft Academy

We currently have two nurseries on site; a two-year-old provision which is open to children of parents who meet a select criteria and then a three-year-old provision open to all.

In order to apply for the two-year-old provision, you need to click on the following link and apply online:

Three-year-old provision

You can now apply online by clicking this link: Nursery Application Form

Please note the deadline for submitting this application is the last working day in February (before the September that your child is due to start nursery).

You will be required to show your child’s birth certificate and proof of address prior to the closing date. If you require any assistance when completing this form, please contact the school office.

How to apply for a reception place at Waycroft Academy

Please click on the following link to take you to the Bristol City Council’s admissions page where you can apply for your child to join Waycroft Academy (Reception to Year 6)

If you wish to apply for a mid-year transfer, please contact the school office.

Tax-free childcare

Click HERE to view an information video about tax-free childcare which applies to every working family which pays for childcare for a child of any age up to 11.

More information can be found at:

30 hours free childcare

This applies to every working family of three- and four-year-olds (even if you don’t use the 30 hours offer, families can share their extended hours with another provider).

More information can be found at: 

More information can be found using below links.

For an overview, click HERE

Contact Us

Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
Contact Us
Waycroft Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590