Waycroft Academy is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes healthy eating and enables pupils to make informed choices about what they eat. It is essential that nutritional education is embedded in the curriculum and that there is consistency across subjects including Science, Technology, PSHE and PE.
Food and drink provision throughout the school day
Water fountains are provided for children in years 3 – 6. Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to keep in the classroom so that they can drink water regularly. Sinks are available for children to use to top up their bottle throughout the day. Squash and other drinks are not permitted (unless a medical need has been communicated with the school).
EYFS and Key Stage 1 children have access to a piece of fruit through the National Fruit scheme. Key Stage 2 children are allowed to eat a snack during the morning break; this can be fruit, dried fruit, bread sticks, tomatoes etc but not crisps, biscuits, chocolate or sweets.
An external catering company provides our school dinners and these meals meet the National Nutritional Standards for school lunches. Free school meals are provided for those who are entitled.
Waycroft encourages parents and carers to provide children with packed lunches that complement the nutritional standards. The ‘School Food Standards 2023’ state that confectionary, chocolate (including chocolate covered products) should be avoided throughout the whole school day. Therefore, we actively discourage parents from putting foods that are high in salt, fat and sugar content in lunchboxes. As long as it is in balance with other food types, we do allow children to have a small biscuit-based bar e.g. Penguin, Kit-Kat, Club etc. If we think that a child has an excessive amount of such foods, for their age, then he/she will be asked to put some back in their bag to take home at the end of the day.
Due to allergies of children and staff, we are a ‘nut-aware’ school. Please do not provide any items in your child’s packed lunch which contain nuts e.g. Nutella/Kinder products, nuts/seeds as snacks etc.