Waycroft Multi Academy Trust aims to:
Have robust processes in place to ensure the online safety of pupils, staff, volunteers and Trustees and Local Academy Councillors
Identify and support groups of pupils that are potentially at greater risk of harm online than others.
Deliver an effective approach to online safety, which empowers us to protect and educate the whole Academy community in its use of technology, including mobile and smart technology (which we refer to as ‘mobile phones’)
Establish clear mechanisms to identify, intervene and escalate an incident, where appropriate
The 4 key categories of risk
Our approach to online safety is based on addressing the following categories of risk:
This policy is based on the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) statutory safeguarding guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education, and its advice for Academys on:
It also refers to the DfE’s guidance on protecting children from radicalisation.
It reflects existing legislation, including but not limited to the Education Act 1996 (as amended), the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the Equality Act 2010. In addition, it reflects the Education Act 2011, which has given teachers stronger powers to tackle cyber-bullying by, if necessary, searching for and deleting inappropriate images or files on pupils’ electronic devices where they believe there is a ‘good reason’ to do so.
The policy also considers the National Curriculum computing programmes of study. This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.
The Trust board has overall responsibility for monitoring this policy and holding the Executive Headteacher and Headteachers to account for its implementation.
The Local Academy Councils for each academy will make sure all staff undergo online safety training as part of child protection and safeguarding training, and ensure staff understand their expectations, roles and responsibilities around filtering and monitoring.
The Local Academy Council will co-ordinate regular meetings with appropriate staff to discuss online safety, requirements for training, and monitor online safety logs as provided by the designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
The Trust Board should ensure children are taught how to keep themselves and others safe, including keeping safe online.
The Trust board must ensure the Academy has appropriate filtering and monitoring systems in place on academy devices and networks and will regularly review their effectiveness. The board will review the DfE filtering and monitoring standards, and discuss with the Executive Headteacher, IT staff and service providers what needs to be done to support the Academy in meeting standards, which include:
All Trustees, Local Academy Councillors will:
The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that staff understand this policy, and that it is being implemented consistently throughout the Academy.
Details of the Academy’s designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy/deputies are set out in our child protection and safeguarding policy, as well as relevant job descriptions.
The DSL takes lead responsibility for online safety in each of our academies, in particular:
This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
The ICT technician is responsible for:
This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
All staff, including contractors and agency staff, and volunteers are responsible for:
This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
Parents/carers are expected to:
Parents/carers can seek further guidance on keeping children safe online from the following organisations and websites:
Visitors and members of the community who use the Academy’s ICT systems or internet will be made aware of this policy, when relevant, and expected to read and follow it. If appropriate, they will be expected to agree to the terms on acceptable use (appendix 3).
Pupils will be taught about online safety as part of the curriculum:
All Academies have to teach:
In Key Stage (KS) 1, pupils will be taught to:
Pupils in Key Stage (KS) 2 will be taught to:
The safe use of social media and the internet will also be covered in other subjects where relevant.
Where necessary, teaching about safeguarding, including online safety, will be adapted for vulnerable children, victims of abuse and some pupils with SEND.
The Academy will raise parents/carers’ awareness of internet safety in letters or other communications home, and in information via our websites. This policy will also be shared with parents/carers.
Online safety will also be covered during parents’ evenings. The Academy will let parents/carers know:
If parents/carers have any queries or concerns in relation to online safety, these should be raised in the first instance with the Headteacher and/or the DSL.
Concerns or queries about this policy can be raised with any member of staff or the Headteacher.
Cyber-bullying takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites. Like other forms of bullying, it is the repetitive, intentional harming of 1 person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
To help prevent cyber-bullying, we will ensure that pupils understand what it is and what to do if they become aware of it happening to them or others. We will ensure that pupils know how they can report any incidents and are encouraged to do so, including where they are a witness rather than the victim.
The Academy will actively discuss cyber-bullying with pupils, explaining the reasons why it occurs, the forms it may take and what the consequences can be.
Teaching staff are also encouraged to find opportunities to use aspects of the curriculum to cover cyber- bullying. This includes personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, and other subjects where appropriate.
In relation to a specific incident of cyber-bullying, the Academy will follow the processes set out in the Academy behaviour policy. Where illegal, inappropriate or harmful material has been spread among pupils, the Academy will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the incident is contained.
The DSL will report the incident and provide the relevant material to the police as soon as is reasonably practicable, if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that possessing that material is illegal. They will also work with external services if it is deemed necessary to do so.
The Headteacher, and any member of staff authorised to do so by the Headteacher can carry out a search and confiscate any electronic device that they have reasonable grounds for suspecting:
Before a search, if the authorised staff member is satisfied that they have reasonable grounds for suspecting any of the above, they will also:
Authorised staff members may examine, and in exceptional circumstances erase, any data or files on an electronic device that they have confiscated where they believe there is a ‘good reason’ to do so.
When deciding whether there is a ‘good reason’ to examine data or files on an electronic device, the staff member should reasonably suspect that the device has, or could be used to:
If inappropriate material is found on the device, it is up to the staff member in conjunction with the DSL / Headteacher / other member of the senior leadership team to decide on a suitable response. If there are images, data or files on the device that staff reasonably suspect are likely to put a person at risk, they will first consider the appropriate safeguarding response.
When deciding if there is a good reason to erase data or files from a device, staff members will consider if the material may constitute evidence relating to a suspected offence. In these instances, they will not delete the material, and the device will be handed to the police as soon as reasonably practicable. If the material is not suspected to be evidence in relation to an offence, staff members may delete it if:
If a staff member suspects a device may contain an indecent image of a child (also known as a nude or semi-nude image), they will:
Any searching of pupils will be carried out in line with:
Any complaints about searching for or deleting inappropriate images or files on pupils’ electronic devices will be dealt with through the Academy complaints procedure.
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now widespread and easy to access. Staff, pupils and parents/carers may be familiar with generative chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google Bard.
Waycroft Multi Academy Trust recognises that AI has many uses to help pupils learn but may also have the potential to be used to bully others. For example, in the form of ‘deepfakes’, where AI is used to create images, audio or video hoaxes that look real.
Waycroft Multi Academy Trust will treat any use of AI to bully pupils in line with our anti-bullying/behaviour policy.
Staff should be aware of the risks of using AI tools whilst they are still being developed and should carry out a risk assessment where new AI tools are being used by the Academy/trust.
All pupils, parents/carers, staff, volunteers and Trustees and Local Academy Councillors are expected to sign an agreement regarding the acceptable use of the Academy’s ICT systems and the internet (appendices 1 to 3). Visitors will be expected to read and agree to the Trust’s terms on acceptable use if relevant.
Use of the Academy’s internet must be for educational purposes only, or for the purpose of fulfilling the duties of an individual’s role.
We will monitor the websites visited by pupils, staff, volunteers, Trustees, Local Academy Councillors and visitors (where relevant) to ensure they comply with the above and restrict access through filtering systems where appropriate.
More information is set out in the acceptable use agreements in appendices 1 to 3.
All staff members will take appropriate steps to ensure their devices remain secure. This includes, but is not limited to:
Staff members must not use the device in any way that would violate the Academy’s terms of acceptable use, as set out in appendix 3.
Work devices must be used solely for work activities.
If staff have any concerns over the security of their device, they must seek advice from the ICT technician.
Where a pupil misuses the Academy’s ICT systems or internet, we will follow the procedures set out in our behaviour policy – The action taken will depend on the individual circumstances, nature and seriousness of the specific incident, and will be proportionate.
Where a staff member misuses the Academy’s ICT systems or the internet or misuses a personal device where the action constitutes misconduct, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the staff disciplinary procedures / staff code of conduct. The action taken will depend on the individual circumstances, nature and seriousness of the specific incident.
The academy will consider whether incidents that involve illegal activity or content, or otherwise serious incidents, should be reported to the police.
All new staff members will receive training, as part of their induction, on safe internet use and online safeguarding issues, including cyber-bullying and the risks of online radicalisation.
All staff members will receive refresher training at least once each academic year as part of safeguarding training, as well as relevant updates as required (for example through emails and staff meetings).
By way of this training, all staff will be made aware that:
Technology is a significant component in many safeguarding and wellbeing issues, and that children are at risk of online abuse.
Children can abuse their peers online through:
Training will also help staff:
The DSL and deputy/deputies will undertake child protection and safeguarding training, which will include online safety, at least every 2 years. They will also update their knowledge and skills on the subject of online safety at regular intervals, and at least annually.
Trustees, Local Academy Councillors will receive training on safe internet use and online safeguarding issues as part of their safeguarding training.
Volunteers will receive appropriate training and updates, if applicable.
More information about safeguarding training is set out in our child protection and safeguarding policy.
The DSL logs behaviour and safeguarding issues related to online safety on CPOMS.
This policy will be reviewed every year by the Executive Headteacher at every review, the policy will be shared with the Trust board.
This online safety policy is linked to our:
Name of pupil: | |
When I use the Academy’s ICT systems (like computers) and get onto the internet in school I will:
I agree that the Academy will monitor the websites I visit and that there will be consequences if I don’t follow the rules. |
Signed (pupil): | Date: |
Parent/carer agreement: I agree that my child can use the Academy’s ICT systems and internet when appropriately supervised by a member of Academy staff. I agree to the conditions set out above for pupils using the Academy’s ICT systems and internet, and will make sure my child understands these. | |
Signed (parent/carer): | Date: |
Name of pupil: | |
I will read and follow the rules in the acceptable use agreement policy.
When I use the Academy’s ICT systems (like computers) and get onto the internet in school I will:
I will not:
If I bring a personal mobile phone or other personal electronic device into Academy:
I agree that the Academy will monitor the websites I visit and that there will be consequences if I don’t follow the rules. |
Signed (pupil): | Date: |
Parent/carer’s agreement: I agree that my child can use the Academy’s ICT systems and internet when appropriately supervised by a member of Academy staff. I agree to the conditions set out above for pupils using the Academy’s ICT systems and internet, and for using personal electronic devices in the Academy, and will make sure my child understands these. | |
Signed (parent/carer): | Date: |
Name: | |
When using the Trust’s ICT systems and accessing the internet within in, or outside Waycroft MAT on a work device (if applicable), I will not:
In addition:
I will only use the Academy’s ICT systems and access the internet in Waycroft MAT, or outside Waycroft MAT on a work device, for educational purposes or for the purpose of fulfilling the duties of my role.
I agree that the Trust will monitor the websites I visit and my use of the Trust’s ICT facilities and systems. I will take all reasonable steps to ensure that work devices are secure and password-protected when using them outside of the Academy, and keep all data securely stored in accordance with this policy and the MAT’s data protection policy. I will let the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and ICT technician know if a pupil informs me, they have found any material which might upset, distress or harm them or others, and will also do so if I encounter any such material. I will always use the Academy’s ICT systems and internet responsibly and ensure that pupils in my care do so too. |
Signed: | Date: |
Name of staff member/volunteer: | Date: |
Question | Yes/No (add comments if necessary) |
Do you know the name of the person who has lead responsibility for online safety in this Academy? | |
Are you aware of the ways pupils can abuse their peers online? | |
Do you know what you must do if a pupil approaches you with a concern or issue? | |
Are you familiar with the Academy’s acceptable use agreement for staff, volunteers, Trustees, Local Academy Councillors and visitors? | |
Are you familiar with the Academy’s acceptable use agreement for pupils and parents/carers? | |
Are you familiar with the filtering and monitoring systems on the Academy’s devices and networks? | |
Do you understand your role and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring? | |
Do you regularly change your password for accessing the Academy’s ICT systems? | |
Are you familiar with the Academy’s approach to tackling cyber-bullying? | |
Are there any areas of online safety in which you would like training/further training? |