Teaching and Learning Policy

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Date Approved -
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change

Effective Learning

  • Pupils will be enthused to learn from a broad and exciting curriculum which nurtures talents, interests and creativity
  • Pupils’ learning inspires them to ask questions and further their knowledge and skills independently
  • Whenever IT is used or discussed in lessons it must be done so in accordance with the e safety policy

We learn:

10 percent of what we read; 20 percent of what we hear;

30 percent of what we both see and hear; 50 percent of what we discussed with others;

80 percent of what we experience personally;

95 percent of what we teach to someone else.

—William Glasser

Effective Teaching

  • Teachers will ensure they have high levels of knowledge linked to all lessons they teach
  • Teachers use effective questioning to probe pupil understanding and tease out misconceptions
  • Teachers have high expectations of all and know their pupils’ end of year targets and how they are progressing towards them
  • Key skills in English, Maths and computing are taught across the curriculum
  • Promoting healthy lifestyles and caring for the environment permeate all teaching
  • A range of interventions are used to support individuals and groups in need including those with SEND and EAL. Children are assessed on an individual basis for targeted support
  • Lessons are delivered to the top of the class with support systems used to close the gap from the bottom
  • The class work together on the main objective making their own choices about tackling the ‘could’ and ‘challenge’
Learning Environment

  • Rooms are well maintained, furnished and decorated
  • Furniture is an appropriate size and good quality
  • Necessary and high quality resources are available
  • Displays are helpful, attractive, celebrate a range of pupils’ work and reflect current and recent learning
  • Current Learning Objectives and Success Criteria are always on display


Teaching and Learning Policy


  • All planning will be written as detailed by curriculum leaders and SLT
  • Long term plans will be written and agreed before the beginning of each academic year and only changed after consultation with SLT1
  • Lessons will be delivered according to agreed plans in all MAT schools
  • Plans will be appropriate for all learners and include planning for out of step children and a must, could and challenge activity, which relates to Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • All planning will be saved on the school network as agreed
  • Plans will ensure that pupils learn key knowledge and skills delivered in a variety of ways

  • Pupil talk will be effectively balanced with adult talk
  • All pupils will know the objective and have involvement in developing success criteria
  • ‘Must, could and challenge’, tasks, interventions and outcomes address differentiation and will link to the main objective unless a child is agreed to be ‘out of step’ and in need of individualised plans
  • BLP skills will be taught, practised, discussed and acknowledged
  • Verbal feedback is a prevalent feature of all lessons
  • Pupils SMSC development will be addressed whenever appropriate
  • Pupils understanding of the UNCRC will be developed whenever appropriate
Ethos and Values

  • Adults will be good role models and create positive relationships
  • All achievements are valued
  • The UNCRC underpins every moment in school
  • Diversity and courtesy are celebrated
  • The academy is fully inclusive
  • There is a supportive non judgemental atmosphere where children are confident to take risks
  • All achievements are valued and celebrated

  • Assessment for Learning is used to inform planning and delivery within and between lessons and units of work
  • Marking focuses on what has been done well, next steps and correcting misconceptions as agreed in the Marking policy
  • Pupils take part in the assessment process through peer and self-assessment
  • All pupils are tracked against expected progress and discussed at pupil progress meetings three times a year
  • Assessment methods include observations, verbal responses, reviewing independent work and results of tests and specific tasks

  • Governors are kept fully informed of the Waycroft curriculum and have opportunities to make suggestions for its improvement
  • Governors know the standards of teaching and learning and raise questions about this
  • Governors have the opportunity to observe teaching and learning in action on a regular basis
Subject Leaders

  • Subject leaders ensure high quality resources for their subject are in place
  • Subject leaders monitor planning and pupils work and are a point of contact to further improve teaching and learning
  • Subject leaders have an annual log to support their monitoring
  • Subject leaders monitor lessons in their subject annually
  • Subject leaders will use subject leader time to further develop their subject area

  • Parents are kept informed of curriculum plans through the website, induction evenings, open days, curriculum events and parents’ evenings
  • Parents’ evenings and reports at Christmas and in the summer will keep parents informed of their children’s progress and provide opportunities to see their work
  • Parents’ can arrange with the office to talk to teachers at any mutually convenient time

Contact Us

Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
Contact Us
Waycroft Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590