Equality Objectives 2020-2024

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History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change

Action Plan for : Equality Date: May 2020 – 2023 Writ ten By: Lisa Craig    
Task: To promote equality across all aspects of school life in line with the Equality Act 2010
Objective/rationale: Success Criteria: Plan: Who, how, when & where Timescale Impact: Led by: Monitored


To improve the progress and attainment of SEN children Termly data analysis Monitoring on SEND AIP

Individual targets are set for children on the SEND register (6 steps for most)

Where children are making less than expected progress due to their educational needs- progress of smaller steps will be effectively evidenced

Planning will identify specific children and show their required differentiation

Assessment judgements will be moderated. Random sample of 3 SEND children per term by Amy Lucas.

SENCO will analyse progress data of children with SEND every term.

Information will be shared with SLT and wider staff.

Every Term before pupil progress meetings. At least 90% of the children with SEND will meet their individual target. Amy Lucas HoS
To promote mental health and wellbeing in children with protected characteristics.

  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religion/belief
  • Sex
Staff skills in recognising mental health concerns will be improved through training.

Identify the children whose wellbeing may be affected – develop intervention support as needed

Assemblies on school values

Develop training programme for staff – 3 full staff meetings over the year and 3 parts of staff meetings. Sept 2021 100% of staff will understand                     the protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act.

All teaching and teaching support staff will be able to identify children with potential mental health needs

Mags Farrow HoS
To narrow the gap in attendance for pupils with SEND and FSM Reduce the gap between all children and the two identified groups

All pupils T4 20/21 96.4% FSM 95.2%

SEND 95.1%

Use of attendance strategy

Additional supportive communication using new policy

July 20/21 Improved attendance Naomi Trickey HoS
To ensure that the staff and Academy Council are aware of current legislation surrounding Equality, Diversity

and Disability and their responsibilities.

All staff and councilors will understand the legislation around Equality, Diversity and Disability Head of School to arrange training. Annual staff meeting and biannual email briefing All teaching and teaching support staff will understand their responsibility with regard to the legislation around Equalities, Diversity and Disability. Emma Sweet HoS

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Waycroft Academy
Selden Road
BS14 8PS
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Waycroft Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590